CS 6364_4364 Lab 6
Lab 6 Review, Due Monday, 09/30 by 11:59 PM (EST)
Revised Midterm Draft, Due Thursday, 10/03 by 11:59 PM (EST)
Midterm: Due Friday, 10/04 by 11:59 PM (EST)
Class participation, Google Folder.
The goals for this lab assignment are:
Learn how to conduct Literature Review
Practice how to review research papers
Get comfortable with using reviewer guide from CS conferences
Get comfortable with ten-page research papers
1. Reviewer Guide
For this week, please implement the below two sections of the Reviewer Guide:
Review content
Examples of Review Content
2. Review Examples
Please read the two paper review examples below:
8-8-10, Best paper award Reduced, Reused and Recycled: The Life of a Dataset in Machine Learning Research By Bernard Koch, Emily Denton, Alex Hanna, and Jacob Gates Foster.
7-7-10, ML and BCI EEGEyeNet: a Simultaneous Electroencephalography and Eye-tracking Dataset and Benchmark for Eye Movement Prediction By Ard Kastrati and Martyna Beata Plomecka and Damian Pascual and Lukas Wolf and Victor Gillioz and Roger Wattenhofer and Nicolas Langer.
3. Write Your Own Review
Task: Review FIVE midterm draft from your assigned set. You will receive an email indicating which five posters you are required to review. Please adhere to the guidelines for double-blind reviewing as outlined on the Reviewer Guidelines page.
How to Write Your Review:
Your review should follow the Reviewer Guide and Review Examples. Be thorough, constructive, and respectful in your feedback. Below is the structure your review should follow:
Summary and contributions: Provide a summary of the work, including the paper’s innovation, connection to the topic, and its potential impact. Write at least five sentences.
Strengths: Highlight the strengths of the poster. Support your opinions with specific details from the poster. Write at least five sentences.
Weaknesses: Discuss the weaknesses in a constructive manner. Be specific and provide examples to help the authors improve. Write at least eight sentences. Important: Avoid vague or subjective complaints. Be specific, detailed, and polite. Constructive feedback helps authors understand your viewpoint.
Clarity: Comment on the clarity of the paper. Provide examples of sections that could benefit from revision for improved clarity. Write at least three sentences.
Relation to prior work: Assess how the work relates to prior research. The related work section should not just list references but explain how the proposed work differs from existing literature. Write at least three sentences.
Overall score: Provide an overall score for the poster. I expect most reviews to fall around 6 out of 10 or lower, using the EEGEyeNet rubric (7-7-10) as a reference. Remember: This score is for helping your peers improve their posters, and is NOT tied to their midterm grades.
Questions: (Optional) If applicable, include any additional questions for the authors to clarify their work or improve their approach.
4. Submission Guide
Each student team only submits one file, lab_6_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including
Five review PDF files in HCII format, name your review files such as submission_1st_reviewer_A7D5.PDF, submission_5th_reviewer_A7D5.PDF
Keep the review process double-blind, your team will be assigned a team number and a reviewer code.
5. Notes
Email 'x.qu@gwu.edu' your zip file for lab 6.
Lab assignments will be released on Fridays and due the following Thursday.
Lab 6 Review, Due Monday, 09/30 by 11:59 PM (EST)
Revised Midterm Draft, Due Thursday, 10/03 by 11:59 PM (EST)
Midterm: Due Friday, 10/04 by 11:59 PM (EST)