CS 6907 Lab 7

  • HCII submission (double blind), Due Wednesday, October 18th, by midnight (23:59 EST)

  • Lab 7 Due Sunday, 11/05/2023, by midnight (23:59, EST)



The goals for this lab assignment are:

  • Finish the first draft of your final paper

  • Focus on the sections of Methods and Results

  • Learn from the HCII submissions from your peers

1. Your mid-term project

  • HCII submission (double blind), Due Wednesday, October 18th, by midnight (23:59 EST)

  • Hide your author information for the 800 words abstract you submitted to HCII.

  • Each team only needs to submit one PDF file, without the authors' names on it.

  • Email 'x.qu@gwu.edu' your PDF file as submission_xth_midterm_HCII.PDF, and cc your teammate.

  • Replace the xth with your midterm submission order number, during midterm you should know which submission is yours.

  • The instructor plan to put these PDF to the midterm peer review folder, so you can learn from your peers.

2. Your final project, first draft

  • Write the final paper in AAAI format (two columns, overleaf template). Your drafts should include:

    1. Title, anonymous authors

    2. Introduction

    3. Related work

    4. Methods

    5. Results

    6. Discussion

    7. Conclusion

  • The Section of Methods should includes

    1. Innovation (what’s new?)

    2. Math foundation (equations, formula)

    3. Structure (flow chart or deep learning architecture)

  • The Section of Results should includes

    1. Baseline Methods, at least three

    2. Your new algorithm(s)

    3. At least one table to compare the above two types of methods

  • (Required) Write the code to compare the performance of machine learning algorithms

    1. The Algorithms you Select, baseline and your new one

    2. This is required for the final project draft

  • (Required) Submit your Python code, and make sure your README file is clear for recreating your results.

    1. Test your Python code on both of your computers.

    2. Take screenshots of your results after running the code.

    3. Cite the code references, especially where you get the existing code and whether you can replicate their results.

    4. Please do NOT email me your dataset. Instead, write a guide on where to download it, similar to the README above.

  • Submit the final project draft in a double-blind way for internal peer review.

  • Hide the author’s information for double-blind peer review.

  • Hide author information everywhere in your submission, including PDF, TXT, and Python files.

  • Double-blind example, NeurIPS

  • 'Authors are responsible for anonymizing their submissions. In particular, they should not include author names, author affiliations, or acknowledgements in their submissions and they should avoid providing any other identifying information (even in the supplementary material).'

3. Submission Guide

  • Each team only submits one file, lab_7_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including

    1. lab_7_lastname1_lastname2.PDF for your ten-page paper draft in AAAI two-column format.

    2. (Required) A code folder for ALL your Python Code and support files to recreate your results.

4. Notes

  • Each team only needs to submit one ZIP file, with both names on it. The zip file size should be less than 10 M.

  • Email 'x.qu@gwu.edu' your zip file as lab_7_lastname1_lastname2.zip, and cc your teammate.

  • HCII submission (double blind), Due Wednesday, October 18th, by midnight (23:59 EST)

  • Lab 7 Due Sunday, 11/05/2023, by midnight (23:59, EST)