CS 6907 Lab 8

  • Lab 8 Code Review, Due Sunday, November 12th, by midnight (23:59 EST)



The goals for this lab assignment are:

  • Learn how to conduct a code Review

  • Practice how to review the code come with research papers

  • Get comfortable with using reviewer guide from CS conferences

1. Reviewer Guide

For this week, please review the Code and data Submission Guide, from NeurIPS 2022, 2021, 2020

2. Review Examples

3. Write Your Own Review

  • Review the same FIVE teams' final project 1st drafts you are assigned in the midterm.

  • Follow the instructions about Double-blind reviewing on the Reviewer Guidelines page.

  • Write your code review based on the Reviewer Guide and Review Examples above. You should include:

    1. Summary and contributions:

    2. Strengths:

    3. Weaknesses:

    4. Correctness:

    5. Relation to prior work: Did the team cite code from others clearly?

    6. Reproducibility: with a special focus on whether you can reproduce the results

    7. Additional feedback: # Optional.

    8. Overall score:

4. Submission Guide

  • Each student team only submits one file, lab_8_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including

    1. Five review PDF files in AAAI format, such as Draft_1st_Reviewer_A7D5.PDF

    2. Keep the review process double-blind, your midterm draft will be assigned a paper number based on the order of submission received.

5. Notes

  • Each team only needs to submit one ZIP file, with both names on it. The zip file size should be less than 10 M.

  • Email 'x.qu@gwu.edu' your zip file as lab_8_lastname1_lastname2.zip, and cc your teammate.

  • Lab 8 Code Review, Due Sunday, November 12th, by midnight (23:59 EST)