Week 2: Supervised Learning
Class participation, Google Folder.
Recap Notes last week
Highlight the patterns your recognized
Hands-on in-class exercises
Revisit Lab 1 requirements
Pattern Recognition
Narrow down to course introduction, Identify Patterns.
Let’s look at course examples.
All textbooks are free available online, and are optinal, not required.
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
2016, Cited by 42286
A Course in Machine Learning by Hal Daume III
1997, Cited by 33979
In-class exercises:
*Explain to your classmates what you find interesting from one of the textbook *Explain to your classmates your experience with Google Scholar *Explain to your classmates one interesting resource you saw in the Resources from the courses.
Supervised learning
5 Machine Learning Basics
5.7. supervised, PDF page number 137
5.8, unsupervised
15, unsupervised learning
In-class exercises:
*Explain to your classmates what is supervised learning *Explain to your classmates what is unsupervised learning
Lab 02
Supervised learning Basics
Videos (long, hours)
Stanford, Andrew Ng, and slides.
CMU, Tom Mitchell, both videos and slides.
Videos (short, minutes)
In-class exercises:
*Explain to your classmates what is an interesting topic your saw from these videos.
AAAI Accepted Posters (2022)
AAAI Accepted Posters (2021)
AAAI-21 Student Papers and Demonstrations
High School
AAAI Accepted Posters (2020)
Pattern Recognition from Accepted Posters
Practice: Three minutes per poster, all forty posters together, around two hours.
AAAI-20 Student Papers and Demonstrations
High School
Supervised vs Unsupervised
The main difference between supervised and unsupervised learning: Labeled data
Popular datasets, UCI Datasets
Other institutions also use these datasets.
sklearn datasets examples
Iris Dataset
Programming Competitions use it as well, such as Kaggle.
Videos, such as Classification with Iris Dataset.