Week 2: Supervised Learning



Recap Notes last week

  • Highlight the patterns your recognized

  • Hands-on in-class exercises

  • Revisit Lab 1 requirements

Pattern Recognition

Narrow down to course introduction, Identify Patterns.

  • Textbooks

  • Topics

  • Weeks

  • Resources

Let’s look at course examples.


All textbooks are free available online, and are optinal, not required.

In-class exercises:

*Explain to your classmates what you find interesting from one of the textbook
*Explain to your classmates your experience with Google Scholar
*Explain to your classmates one interesting resource you saw in the Resources from the courses.

Supervised learning

In-class exercises:

*Explain to your classmates what is supervised learning
*Explain to your classmates what is unsupervised learning

Lab 02

  • Supervised learning Basics

Videos (long, hours)

Videos (short, minutes)

In-class exercises:

*Explain to your classmates what is an interesting topic your saw from these videos.

Supervised vs Unsupervised


Iris Dataset