Week 6: Peer Review



What is Research?

Three key elements, Innovation, Connection, and Impact.

*Research definition
*Research problems
*Research design
*Research analysis
*Research results
*Research papers
*Other related research topics

Innovation, create or discover something new, an idea, or a method not existing.

Connection, what other researchers have done on this topic? Is there a research gap?

Impact, is the problem important? Is the result significant? Potential to impact how many people? For how long?

Research Paper examples:

Chick the title of each paper. You should see the paper details page.

Please pay attention to the Paper PDF files next to the paper title, and Reviewers' Comments

Let’s start with these two papers, from the section of Datasets & Benchmarks Best Paper Awards

Reduced, Reused and Recycled: The Life of a Dataset in Machine Learning Research By Bernard Koch, Emily Denton, Alex Hanna, and Jacob Gates Foster.

Here’s a brief introduction about how to review a research paper. Reviewer Guide

Please read the following two sections for this week: Review content, and Examples of Review Content.

What is CS Research?

Let’s take a look at examples: Top AI Publications

In-class exercises:

*Explain to your classmates the popular topics in these CS research publications.
*Explain to your classmates what topic(s) you may be interested in and why.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

What’s the relationship between Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence? Let’s take a look at examples: Top AI Publications

NeurIPS, our ten-page paper, final project is based on this.

AAAI, our two-page poster, mid-term project is based on this.

In-class exercises:

*Explain to your classmates what is Machine Learning
*Explain to your classmates the popular topics in AAAI 21 student posters.

Research Design

What is Literature Review?

Review the history of research in this research area, Identify Research Gaps.

  • Research Problems

  • Research Design

  • Research Analysis

  • Research Data

  • Research Write-Up

Let’s look at literature review paper examples.

How to Use Google scholar

  • Search Keywords Selection

  • Title

  • Author

  • Citation Number

  • Citation Format

  • Full-text Available?

more details on Google Scholar Help Page


  • Where to locate Research Design

  • Paper PDF File

  • Reviewers' Comments

  • What kind of Research Design is this paper using?

Our Review 2023


  • Where to locate Research Design

  • Paper PDF File

  • 3.5. Case studies on a shared dataset

  • An emotion recognition dataset (DEAP, [56], used in ten studies, cited by 2616)

  • A mental workload dataset ([57], used in four studies)

  • Two motor imagery datasets from the same BCI competition ([58])

  • What kind of Research Design is this paper using?

  • What kind of Research Designs [56,57,58] are these papers using?

In-class exercises:

  • Which Research Design you are interested in

  • Which paper you are interested in to use a similar Research Design

  • Post it on Figma

  • Keywords


  • Where to locate Research Design

  • Paper PDF File

  • DEAP [91]

  • BCI Competition [26, 27, 160]

  • What kind of Research Design is this paper using?

  • What kind of Research Designs [26,27,91,160] are these papers using?


  • Where to locate Research Design

  • Paper PDF File

  • BCI Competitions [103, 67, 4, 143, 10, 102, 35, 97]

  • What kind of Research Design is this paper using?

  • What kind of Research Designs [103, 67, 4, 143, 10, 102, 35, 97] are these papers using?

Your Research Design

  • Your Experimental Design

  • Revisit Your Dataset

  • Revisit Your Available Hours

  • Other Papers using the same Dataset