Week 10: Final Paper, First Draft



Methods Section

  • Baseline

  • Benchmark

  • Your innovation

  • Figure

  • Flowchart

Results Section

  • Accuracy

  • Runtime

  • Table

  • Compare with baseline

  • Facts, not opinions

Discussion Section

  • Compare your results with results from previous papers.

  • What’s new? compared to your 'Related work' section

  • Limitations, time and money

  • Future work

  • Opinios, based on facts

Paper Example

  • Attention is all you need

  • Cited by 93627

  • NeurIPS 2017

  • The Paper

  • The three reviews

  • More related paper in EdSTEM

Dataset Example

  • EEGEyeNet

  • The paper

  • The reviews

  • The result table

Paper from us

Programming Tips

  • Python

  • Numpy

  • PyTorch

  • Google Colab

  • ML host, Cloud options

  • More on EdSTEM