Week 14: Reinforcement Learning




  • Single algorithms, LDA, SVM, KNN, and their variations, etc.

  • Ensemble methods, Random Forest, Boosting, Voting, and their variations, etc.

  • Deep learning, CNN, RNN, Transformer, their variations, etc.


  • Iris

  • Diabetes


  • EEGEyeNet

Final Project

  • Go over peer reviews

  • Pattern recognition

  • Brainstorm how to improve your project

  • Lab 11, authors' response

Guest Speaker

  • Background

  • Slides

  • Zoom meeting, join us remotely

  • More details in Edstem

Reinforcement Learning

  • Slides and papers

  • The Concept

  • Algorithms

  • Examples

  • Related Research Questions

Machine Learning beyond this class

  • Top conferences (top four, top twenty in AI and Data Analysis)

  • Twitter, CS professors' accounts

  • Your first machine learning publication, possibly from this course.

No Class today

  • Academic Calendar

  • December 5–7, Tuesday classes follow the "Thursday" class schedule

  • Prepare for your finals, Due Monday, 12/12/2022.

Office hours

  • By appointment

  • Via Zoom