CS 6907 Lab 4
Due Sunday, 09/24/2022, by midnight (23:59, EST)
Class participation, EdSTEM and Google Folder.
The goals for this lab assignment are:
Understand Regression
Get familiar with the Diabetes dataset
Get familiar with the Final Paper format
Finalize your teammate selection
1. Regression (Three Hours)
Review the 15 examples of the Diabetes dataset
Compare and Summarize the different Diabetes dataset examples
Select your favorite three Supervised Learning code examples using the Diabetes dataset, and explain why in your overleaf PDF
Write down you findings in the final paper format (AAAI), same overleaf project as lab 3.
2. Final Paper Format (Two Hours)
Link sharing, each team work on the same paper copy, share with the instructor.
Add the sections about regression to your existing lab 3 sections about classification
Add Page number, references, equations, tables and figures.
3. Literature Review (Two Hours)
Read Three papers, write a summary to the overleaf project, prepare for class discussion:
4. Finalize a teammate (One Hour)
Find your teammate for the labs, midterm and Final
Work together on this lab and so on
5. Submission Guide
Each student team only submits one file, lab_4_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including
lab_4_lastname1_lastname2.pdf in AAAI format, directly download the PDF file from your overleaf project.
Start a shared Github project for your team, add your teammate, and the instructor, (my account is xqu)
6. Notes
Email 'x.qu@gwu.edu' your zip file for lab 4.
Add Github account 'xqu' to your project repo.
Using overleaf 'link share' to share your project with 'x.qu@gwu.edu'.
Lab assignments will typically be released on Tuesday and will be due by midnight on Sunday.