Artificial Intelligence Algorithms – Spring 2025
4 Feb: Added TA Office Hours
17 Jan: Typographical error in “conduct” section
8 Jan: Original version of syllabus.
Representation and space search; heuristic search; predicate calculus; knowledge representation and knowledge engineering for expert systems; rule-based, hybrid, and O-O systems; semantic nets, frames, and natural language; theorem provers; planning, learning, neural nets; use of AI languages. Knowledge representation and reasoning, propositional logic and predicate calculus. Logic programming; search, game trees, backtracking; planning.
4511: CSCI 3212
6511: CSCI 6212
Undergraduate-level proficiency in object-oriented programming is assumed. Linear algebra and probability are useful, but fundamentals will be reviewed. Python is the programming language for this course.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate theoretical understanding of the design of decision-making software agents
- Describe tractability of decision-making algorithms
- Express decision problems as probability (Markov) models
- Implement decision-making agents for solving problems in continuous and discrete state spaces
Required Textbook
Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach. 4th edition, Pearson, 2020.1
1 Several copes of this book will be on hold at the GWU Library. The international edition, which is much cheaper than the US edition, has the same contents.
Supplemental Textbooks
Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler, and Kyle H. Wray. Algorithms for Decision Making MIT Press, 2022
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction MIT Press, 2018
- Prof. Joseph Goldfrank
Office Hours
M/W/F Afternoons: Detailed Schedule
TA Office Hours (Rhys): Wednesdays 10AM - Noon
Grading Server & Autograding
This course will use the GWU Computer Science grading and submission server. You will receive test cases to run your code against at home. If you pass the test cases at home, you will pass them when I grade your work.
Readings are from Russell & Norvig unless otherwise noted.
Date | Subject | Reading | Assessments (Due) |
17 Jan | Rational Agents, Python | Ch. 2; Python Docs 4 and 9 | |
24 Jan | Search & Heuristics | Ch. 3, 4 | |
31 Jan | Games | Ch. 5 | |
7 Feb | CSPs | Ch. 6 | HW 1 (7 Feb) |
14 Feb | Logic | Ch. 7 | |
21 Feb | Probability & Linear Algebra Review | Ch. 13 | HW 2 (21 Feb) |
28 Feb | Utility Theory & Exam Review | Ch. 16 | |
7 Mar | Midterm Examination | HW 3 (3 Mar) | |
14 Mar | Spring Break | ||
21 Mar | State Uncertainty | Kochenderfer Ch. 19 | |
28 Mar | Markov Decision Processes | Ch. 17 | |
4 Apr | Partially-Observable MDPs | Kochenderfer Ch. 20, 9.6 | HW 4 (4 Apr) |
11 Apr | Reinforcement Learning | Ch. 22 | Project Scope (6 Apr) |
18 Apr | Exam Review | Project Milestone 1 (18 Apr) | |
25 Apr | Final Examination | Project Milestone 2 (25 Apr) | |
6 May | (No Scheduled Lecture) | Project Due |
- This schedule of topics is approximate and I may deviate from it. No homework assignment will be released with less than two weeks’ time to complete it. No due dates will be made earlier. No exams will be rescheduled unless required by the University.
Examinations & Assessments
There will be four homework assignments, one project, one midterm exam, and one final exam. You must acknowledge the schedule of deliverables and agree to be present for both exams as part of the first homework assignment.
There may be extra credit opportunities in addition to what is listed here, some of which will be offered during class meetings. Any work you turn in for credit may be present on examinations.
- The final exam grade replaces the midterm exam grade, if the final exam grade is higher
- The lowest homework is weighted 50% (i.e., it will be worth less than the other homework assignments).
Grading Scale
A numerical average will be calculated as follows:
- Homework: 40%
- Project: 20%
- Exams: 40%
The following grading scale will be applied at the end of the semester to calculate letter grades:
Numerical Average | Letter Grade |
90-100 | A |
85-89 | A- |
80-84 | B+ |
75-79 | B |
70-74 | B- |
65-69 | C+ |
60-64 | C |
55-59 | C- |
45-54 | D |
0-44 | F |
Grades are rounded to the nearest integer, e.g., 0.4 rounds to 0 and 0.5 rounds to 1. Grades of D are only for CSCI 4511. Any grade \(\leq\) 54 in CSCI 6511 is an F.
Credit (up to 10% of your final grade) can be lost for actions that disrespect other students, such as being disruptive in class, asking for complete solutions during office hours, or requesting grading accommodations other than those outlined in this syllabus.
The environment of this class will be respectful of age, race, ethnicity, country of origin, language, religion, spiritual practice, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, introversion/extroversion personality dimensions, and socioeconomic and mental/physical status. I am committed to supporting all members of the class in fostering a respectful, charitable, and professional academic environment. You must also do your part to make this course inclusive.
Late Work
Late work is not accepted, with the following exceptions:
Each student will have eight “late days” to use on homework assignments. No more than three days can be used on any one assignment. These late days intentionally accommodate both time management difficulties and brief illnesses. I recommend saving a few late days for brief unexpected disruptions in your schedule. You can’t use late days for the project.
Extensions will be granted should there arise circumstances beyond your control that substantially impede your ability to complete coursework. Notify me as soon as feasible in these cases. Examples of such circumstances include (but are not limited to) long-term illness and loss of housing. I will request documentation of such circumstances through your dean.
I do not take attendance, but I strongly encourage you to attend. Lectures will not be videorecorded or audiorecorded, but lecture notes will be published. You are responsible for knowing the content of each lecture.
For long-term disruptions in schedule such as serious illness or loss of housing, I will make accommodations after being provided with documentation through the Office of Student Support or from your Dean. For illnesses impacting exams, I will also require such documentation.
Absence to represent GWU in an official capacity (such as at an athletic event) is always excused, however such excused absence will require confirmation from a faculty sponsor or athletic official, and must be arranged in advance.
Time Commitment
There is one 150-minute class meeting per week. Students are expected to spend at least 5 hours per week independently learning outside of class meetings for this course. As preparation level for this course varies. It is possible that you will need to commit substantially more– or substantially less– than 5 hours per week.
Collaboration Policy
Write your own solutions to homework assignments by yourself. You must acknowledge any discussions you had with others in your writeup for each homework. Don’t let other people copy your solutions, and don’t copy solutions from other people, from websites, or from other sources.
The challenge from this course is largely in understanding how decision-making algorithms work and how/when to apply them to problems. Discussing these concepts with others is always permitted, and is strongly encouraged. Likewise, helping a peer resolve a bug is permitted.
If you feel like a discussion with any person (including the professor) helped you answer a homework problem, include their name(s) in your comments at the start of that problem, and near the part you got help on. In the event your collaboration exceeds what is permitted, any penalty will be substantially reduced (or waived) if such a thing is an honest mistake as evidenced by these comments. If you aren’t sure: ask.
If I discover at any point during or after the semester that you have violated the collaboration policy, you will be formally referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for Academic Dishonesty. In addition to failing the assignment, your final grade in the class will be reduced by a full letter grade. This policy is not a game. Do not attempt to circumvent it.
Generative Artificial Intelligence / Large Language Models
Copying solutions for homework assignments from an AI assistant or Large Language Model such as (but not limited to) ChatGPT, Copilot, or Claude will be treated the same as copying it from another person or from any other online resource. It is not permitted on any homework assignment, and it is considered cheating.
You Can Search Your Errors
Copying code snippets from Stack Overflow, language documentation, or similar is permitted, however please indicate when you have done this with a comment in your code citing the resource. If you have become accustomed to using LLMs for these searches, I expect you to verify the answers with language/library documentation and cite the documentation.
Academic Integrity Code
Academic integrity is an essential part of the educational process, and all members of the GW community take these matters very seriously. As the instructor of record for this course, my role is to provide clear expectations and uphold them in all assessments. Violations of academic integrity occur when students fail to cite research sources properly, engage in unauthorized collaboration, falsify data, and otherwise violate the Code of Academic Integrity. If you have any questions about whether or not particular academic practices or resources are permitted, you should ask me for clarification. If you are reported for an academic integrity violation, you should contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) to learn more about your rights and options in the process. Consequences can range from failure of assignment to expulsion from the university and may include a transcript notation. For more information, please refer to the SRR website, email, or call 202-994-6757.
University Policy on Observance of Religious Holidays
Students must notify faculty during the first week of the semester in which they are enrolled in the course, or as early as possible, but no later than three weeks prior to the absence, of their intention to be absent from class on their day(s) of religious observance. If the holiday falls within the first three weeks of class, the student must inform faculty in the first week of the semester. For details and policy, see “Religious Holidays” at Provost Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.
Use of Electronic Course Materials and Class Recordings
Students are encouraged to use electronic course materials, including recorded class sessions, for private personal use in connection with their academic program of study. Electronic course materials and recorded class sessions should not be shared or used for non-course related purposes unless express permission has been granted by the instructor. Students who impermissibly share any electronic course materials are subject to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct. Please contact the instructor if you have questions regarding what constitutes permissible or impermissible use of electronic course materials and/or recorded class sessions. Please contact Disability Support Services at if you have questions or need assistance in accessing electronic course materials.
Academic Support
Writing Center
GW’s Writing Center cultivates confident writers in the University community by facilitating collaborative, critical, and inclusive conversations at all stages of the writing process. Working alongside peer mentors, writers develop strategies to write independently in academic and public settings. Appointments can be booked online at https://gwu.mywconline.
Academic Commons
Academic Commons provides tutoring and other academic support resources to students in many courses. Students can schedule virtual one-on-one appointments or attend virtual drop-in sessions. Students may schedule an appointment, review the tutoring schedule, access other academic support resources, or obtain assistance at
Support for Students Outside the Classroom
Disability Support Services (DSS)
Telephone: 202-994-8250
Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability should contact Disability Support Services to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Telephone: 202-994-5300
GW’s Colonial Health Center offers counseling and psychological services, supporting mental health and personal development by collaborating directly with students to overcome challenges and difficulties that may interfere with academic, emotional, and personal success.
Safety and Security
- Monitor GW Alerts and Campus Advisories to Stay Informed before and during an emergency event or situation
- In an emergency: call 911 or GWPD/EMeRG 202-994-6111
- For situation-specific actions: refer to GW’s Emergency Response Handbook and Emergency Operations Plan
- In the event of an armed intruder: Run. Hide. Fight.