
Office Hours

Any GW student is welcome at my office hours.

The location is typically SEH 4675, although I am often in the SEH 4th floor lobby area, as my office is small and my students are legion.

Summer 2024: My office hours will be by appointment only, but do not hesitate to reach out; I will be on campus and can make time.

My office can be slightly difficult to find:

  • It is on SEH 4th Floor, West wing
    • Exiting the elevators, make a right
    • From the top of the stairs, go straight
  • Go through the glass door (your card will work)
  • Make a right where a right can be made, then an immediate left
  • SEH 4675 will be on the left

Electronic Mail

My address is My notes are typically short, direct, and polite; I encourage you to write to me in this way.

Lately there is a trend towards long formal notes, perhaps generated with some algorithm. This style makes it harder for me to find your message amidst all the words.

Please refrain from sending me sales/marketing materials, I will mark these as spam.